New map showing structural relations (in Russian)
What is a domain model
In technical architecture, this is known as a domain model. You map the environmental relationships inside your technical domain. Your map shows overlapping areas with no relationship defined between them. Domain models can have overlap, but it is clearer if they do not. Usually, the areas of overlap are actually integration of or utilization of one technology by another. This utilization is represented by arrows between the separate domain areas showing the relationship. Relationships are usually verbs while the areas are nouns. They point in the direction of causality. Such as, "(AI) ---is required by----> (Singularity)"
This is the first step of any technological project, to map out the working environment. After all the areas and relationships are defined, It is much easier to see where the prerequisites are, and which areas are most critical. This also helps map a timeline of dependencies and helps determine the order of work to be performed. Such a domain model also helps makes future predictions of timelines much more accurate, because they are based on a real fundamental knowledge of the underlying domain.
The domain model of transhumanist technologies (full size (done in CMAP Tools)
Popular representation (in rainbow colors)
Simple visual representation of transhumanist tech fields (source Powerpoint)
- Coloured ellipses show sci-tech areas that are likely to demonstrate radical changes soon and are most interested to transhumanists.
- Intersections (and one dotted line) show the connections between related fields.
- Coloured dotted borders define the three “movements” or sets of interests. These three groups have different perceptions of the future, different goals and hold different values.
Historical sets of interests
- Cyberpunk was born to interpret the computer revolution of 1970-1990s and mostly concentrates on the electronic technologies
- Immortalism has a long history and has its roots in ideological aversion to death. Since 1980-2000s it was additionally inspired by the revolution in life sciences and biotechnology.
- Singularitarians look further into the future where they see the inevitable sinergy between the artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and cognitive science.
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