There are already things that transhumanists (and ordinary people) can do to extend their capabilities and become transhuman to some degree. In other sense these are essentially consumer technologies that are in the early adopter phase.
A list of some of the "hacks"
- Various implants
- Cognitive, memory and creativity techniques
- Extensively using PDAs and wearable computers
- Using a personal wiki
- Going completely digital (paperless) in your life and work
- Wearing a "sensor suit" to constantly record the audio-video sensory inputs
- Heavy Internet use, especially the (currently) cutting edge stuff
- Taking cognitive (nootropic) and other enhancing drugs (prozac, ritalin, modafinil) for non-medical purposes,
- Using Polyphasic sleep,
- Participating in extreme (and cutting edge) sports
- Some "lifehacks" are also transhuman practices. Sites like and explore these ideas.
- Virtual Reality
- Using voice-modification software
- Cybering
- Robots
- Having a robotic pet or at least a robotic vacuum cleaner
Transhumanist Napster
There might come a transhuman practice so compelling that a vast number of people will embrace it very quickly and so radical that people will realise that redesigning humans, humanity, Earth and the reality itself is good. Kind of a "Transhumanist Napster". This will be the day transhumanism wins. However, such day may not come until the very Singularity.
Share your ideas
What are the coolest transhuman practices you already participate in? Please add on this page (edit pass "thpromo").
See also Consumerism approach.
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