

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years, 1 month ago

Memetics checklist

From cryonics mailing list (http://keithlynch.net/cryonet/0/89.html) regarding deathist memes:


Ideas as memes and what questions to ask

  • What niche does this meme occupy? What other memes occupy this niche?
  • What are the symptoms of being infected by this meme?
  • How does this meme displace an existing meme to control the host?
  • How does this meme reject competing memes and retain control of the host?
  • How is this meme transmitted from one individual to the next?
  • How can this meme be expelled by competing memes?
  • What natural defense mechanisms do we have against this meme?
  • How can this meme evade or subvert our natural defense mechanisms?
  • What kinds of vaccinations can one get to protect one from this meme?
  • Who is most susceptible (resistant) to this meme?
  • What "vectors" can be used to inject this meme (or its antidote) into a host?


What resources are available on memetic engineering?

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